Stock market crash.

Since I learned everything Benjamin mentioned, I have not found a particular stock that is undervalued, and I am eagerly awaiting the stock market crash.

Why is the market in such a strange way? Is it because of the rise in the Down Jones Index?

Dear Omar_H,

Thank you for your forum post!

One of the basic principles of Value Investing is that markets are inefficient.

GrahamValue's screeners continue to list thousands of stocks that clear Benjamin Grahams criteria for being undervalued.

That being said, the markets do appear to be at all-time highs; and this might be a good time to look at diversifying across Equity and Debt.

Thank you again for your forum post!

Debt not more than 110% of current net assets.

When I search this site, should I look for a percentage higher than 110% or 90%?

Graham Rating
Net Current Assets รท Long Term Debt = 90%

Dear Omar_H,

Thank you for your comment!

The answer to your query is 90%.

Please see the Ratings section of the Quick Reference for more details.

Thank you again for your comment!